Fish are Warming Up!
Hi Guys,
SHORT SPRING, HUH??!! We had ice just a little over a month ago, no leaves on the trees, just two weeks ago, and now the leaves are on the trees and the flowers are blooming. Now amazingly the Bass are spawning, right on time. It is amazing how mother nature catches up? i was hoping since we had to open a couple of weeks later than normal, the pre spawn period would last longer. But no, we just lost two weeks. Even losing those two weeks, the pre spawn fishing for smalles was great! Just look at these fish, big huh!!! So if any of you missed this spring fishing, the next time to catch these big smallmouths is OCTOBER THRU MID- NOVEMBER. The spawn and post spawn for bass is just starting and MID-JUNE THRU EARLY-JULY and this is the best time to fish Senkos and Top water. The Largemouth and Pike fishing is just getting underway. Right now we are catching some real big Pike, mostly on Super Flukes. SALMON AND LAKE TROUT Our spring Salmon run up the rivers, just didn't happen. The NYS DEC says we have good numbers of Salmon in Lake Champlain but you couldn't prove it by us, or any other local fishermen. At one time, not so long ago, our shore casting for Lake Trout and our shoreline trolling and trolling up the rivers for salmon was fantastic. Fishermen who couldn't afford boats would cast spoons, spinners and bait fish right from shore and almost everyone from children to seniors would catch their limit of fish. But now, it is almost non-existent. It is really sad!! It seems the only way to catch Lake Trout and Salmon is fishing deep. We are very successful fishing for Trout and Salmon from July thru September, deep trolling and jigging for them which is fun, but it is even more fun when you can get them on top! Anyway guys, check out these photos. You still have time to catch Bass and Pike shallow for about the next month before they go deep. We still have a few weekdays available this month. and one opening the last weekend in June, Hope to see you soon and Happy Fishing