We have a skim of ice on the pond, so it won’t be long to the ice fishing begins!
Hi Guys,
We have a skim of ice on the pond, so it won’t be long to the ice fishing.
Still Warm
Actually, most of this month the temperatures have been above normal. The water temperature on the big lake has been staying in the high 40’s to low 50’s for weeks now. It is way above what it is suppose to be for this time of year. Only a few of the fish you see here are what we call “FOOTBALL HARD” They are still not in that fall (feeding frenzy) and, guess what, our season is over. We don’t really book any bass and pike fisherman this time of year because the fall bite is usually over by now. Fall is lasting longer and longer every year, and it is also getting windier and windier every year!!! As you can see, in spite of the weather, we still had some great catches this past month! Check out these photos, quite impressive, huh?
Need Some Help
Weather is not just our only problem. It seems that the Thousand Island Park Commission, which is in charge of our boat access areas on Champlain, pulls the docks out of the water staring the day after Columbus day!! Fall is the time of year when water levels are at it “lowest”. Once the docks are out, the wall around the ramp areas are to high to get in and out of the boats. You have to pull up on the Rip Rap down from the walls, which the depth there, is only about a foot or so deep!! Waves coming in, do a number on the bottom and sides of the boats, pushing them into the rocks. The Rip Rap, as you might know, is very jagged and slippery and one can get hurt very easily! It is very dangerous. The guys that have fiberglass boats, well, you might as well forget it! All fishermen know that the best fishing times of the year are the spring and fall, but the ones in charge of the fishing access areas don’t know or don’t care? Late fall is also one of the best times of the year for salmon and trout fishing and it is also “duck hunting season”! There is no reason for the docks to be pulled out before Dec 1st, there is no ice then. If the park commission, says they have no man power, I’m sure the local town road crews could do it. It should be real simple to pull them out. On the inside cover of the new 2014 fishing regulations our governor, Andrew Cuomo, states how important fishing is to New York, but in our area, it doesn’t seem to be “fishermen friendly” at all. I would think this must also hinter our local economy, don't ya think? If you guys would do me (us) a favor, and email our governor and c/c our local representatives in your OWN words, and let them know about this problem. Especially you guys who have come up in the fall and have experienced this “first hand”. There are over two thousand of you who get this newsletter directly. If every one of you guys e-mail, it should make some difference, don’t you think? I would appreciate this very much. Thank you.
Here are the email address:
Andrew Cuomo
cc to: Betty Little Senator
Janet Dupree State Rep
Bill Owens US Rep
Chuck Shumer US Senator
Well guys, that is it for this fishing season. We are still keeping some of our boats ready for anyone who can come up at a last minutes notice, if the weather permits, of course. If we have safe ice before the next newsletter, we will send a special update out for you ice fisherman. The ice is usually safe but the 3rd week of December. Also, if any of you have pre booked for this ice fishing season and have not confirmed please give me a call as soon as you can. 518-963-7351.
Thank you guys and have a good one.
- Pete