Hey Everyone!
I hope this letter finds all of you safe and healthy. Looks like this year is going to be quite different.
I hope it straightens out soon, cause we have some fishin' to do.
It pretty much looks like April is a bust, and here in New York, the shutdown has been recently extended to May 15th. I know it isn't looking good, but our fingers are crossed for late May.
I would like to thank all of you who came up to ice fish this winter and all of you who came to see us at the shows. We have been completely booked up for the months of May and most of June. Those two months are half of our yearly business!!!! Again it isn't looking good for the spring this year so, if it doesn't happen, the next best months for "Action" are October and November. So, if worse comes to worse , you might want to think about moving your dates to those months or we can just move your dates to the same time next year? But I think we still have time to wait and see.
Here are the last ice fishing photos from this years ice fishing season.
Right now the rivers and streams are open , and the levels are great! They have already stocked the waters with trout and they are "letting you fish, as long keep, not 6 feet, but 1 rods length" away from each other. Up here you usually don't have to worry about crowding on the rivers, but this year you are going to have a lot of guys out of work, so-o-o-o!!? I`ve already been out trout fishing and it has been great. Here are some of my photos:
I guess in the next update, it is going to be all about me and the photos of MY fish. Hopefully, by then, we will be at the end of this crisis?!
Well guys, I guess that's it for now. With a lot of spare time on my hands, I'm going to work on my face book page and maybe a link to our blog address from our website. I've had it for a while now and really haven't done anything with it. With help from my kids, they are going to teach THE OLD GUY, so please keep checking our face book page.
Please be safe